Code Reading Questions at OSCON
Wednesday May 17, 2017
O'Reilly's 2017 OSCON had a "code game" with ten questions covering nine different languages. It was supposed to get people engaged in the expo hall, but the quiz-like gamification content reminded me of my old code reading question idea. The questions are available in a PDF (mirror). I'll put the questions here as well.
1. Rust
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::io::{BufRead, Result};
fn f<I: BufRead>(input: &mut I) -> Result<usize> {
.map(|r| r.expect(“ara ara”))
.flat_map(|l| l.split_whitespace()
This function reads input. What else does it do?
- A. Counts the number of white-space-separated “words”
- B. Counts the number of distinct “words”
- C. Finds the “word” that appears most frequently
- D. Finds the longest line
2. JavaScript
function search(values, target) {
for(var i = 0; i < values.length; ++i){
if (values[i] == target) { return i; }
return -1;
What does this function do?
- A. Depth-first search
- B. Binary search
- C. Merge search
- D. Linear search
3. Go
func function(s []float64) float64 {
var sum float64 = 0.0
for _, n := range s {
sum += n
return sum / float64(len(s))
What does this function do?
- A. Sums the contents of a slice
- B. Finds the maximum value in a slice
- C. Averages the contents of a slice
- D. Appends values to a slice
4. Perl 5
sub mystery {
return @_ if @_ < 2;
my $p = pop;
mystery(grep $_ < $p, @_), $p,
mystery(grep $_ >= $p, @_);
What does the mystery subroutine do?
- A. Binary search
- B. Merge sort
- C. Removes items that are too large or too small
- D. Quick sort
5. Java 8
static void function(int[] ar)
Random rnd = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
for (int i = ar.length - 1; i > 0; i--)
int index = rnd.nextInt(i + 1);
int a = ar[index];
ar[index] = ar[i];
ar[i] = a;
What does this function do?
- A. Merge sort
- B. Shuffle
- C. Increases size of array
- D. Decreases size of array
6. Ruby
def f(hash)
prs = hash.inject({}) do |hsh, pr|
k, v = yield pr
hsh.merge(k => v)
What does this function do?
- A. Reverses an array
- B. Administers a booster shot
- C. Enters a freeway safely
- D. Transforms a hash
7. Python
def function(list):
return [x for x in list if x == x[::-1]]
What does this function do?
- A. Finds and returns all palindromes within the given list
- B. Reverses all strings in the given list
- C. Swaps the first and last letter in each word in the given list
- D. Returns a list of anagrams for each word in the given list
8. Scala
object Op {
val r1: Regex = “””([^aeiouAEIOU\d\s]+)([^\d\s]*)$”””.r
val r2: Regex = “””[aeiouAEIOU][^\d\s]*$”””.r
val s1:String = “\u0061\u0079”
val s2:String = “\u0077” + s1
def apply(s: String): String = {
s.toList match {
case Nil => “”
case _ => s match {
case r1(c, r) => r ++ c ++ s1 case r2(_*) => s ++ s2
case _ => throw new
What does this function do?
- A. Converts a given String to a JavaScript-based String
- B. Converts a Unix/MacOSX String format into a Windows String format
- C. Converts a word into the children’s language equivalent called “Pig Latin”
- D. Converts a given String to IPV6 format since IP numbers are running out
9. Swift
import Foundation
let i = “Hellø, Swift”
let t = i.precomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping
let c ={UnicodeScalar($0+2)})
let j ={UnicodeScalar($0+1)}).count / 2
var d = String(repeating: String(describing: c[j]), count: j)
let result = “\(d): \(d.characters.count)”
What is the value of “result”?
- A. ......🇦🇺🇺🇸: 7
- B. ......🇦🇺🇺🇸: 8
- C. “”””””🇦🇺🇺🇸: 7
- D. “”””””🇦🇺🇺🇸: 8
10. JavaScript
function thing (n) {
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
setTimeout(function () {console.log(i);}, 0);
What does this function do?
- A. Prints numbers 0 through n
- B. Prints n n time
- C. Prints 0 n times
- D. Prints nothing
View HTML source to see the answers.
I tried to keep the above close to what appeared on the physical cards. I haven't tried to correct the little mistakes and bizarre indentation throughout.
It's fun!